Saturday, September 19, 2009

Short Term Team from IPC Savannah

The past week we had the privilege of hosting a medical team from Independent Presbyterian Church in Savannah, Georgia. The team consisted of Frankie Daniell, Dr. Ryan Moody, MD (Internist and Pulmonologist), and Paul Carpenter (a pharmacist from St. Joseph's/Candler Hospital).

Monday through Wednesday the team held medical campaigns in Larco and Arevalo Church and at our new chapel in the neighborhood of Parque Industrial. Dr. Moody attended 15-25 patients each day with the assistance of Lora Karraker and Jose Salaverry who were our translators for the week. Paul Carpenter oversaw the distribution of free medications to each patient, as well as instructing them on the proper use of their current medications.

On Thursday and Friday, while Dr. Moody saw patients in the clinic, Frankie and Paul constructed a new roof for the stairwell and waiting room in the
Consultorio Médico Pastoral. This was a much needed and appreciated improvement to our facilities as the current structure had been leaking!

Thank you IPC Savannah Team for all of your labors with us this week. We enjoyed your fellowship and encouragement and hope to have you back again next year!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

1st Charla de Salud

Yesterday, the clinic hosted a charla de salud—literally a "health chat" for the women who are involved in Peru Missions microfinance program, Sinergia.

Over 40 women crowded into one room to listen to Sonia Guerra, our Obstetriz from the Consultorio Médico Pastoral speak on female health and hygiene issues. They were educated on when to seek professional care, as well as reminded of the 50% discount they receive in the clinic due to their participation in Sinergia’s programs. All of the women listened attentively and were very receptive to the information. We were encouraged by their enthusiasm and questions and hope to serve them by hosting health education programs for them on a regular basis.

Su salud está en tus manos!
Your health is in your hands!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Short Term Medical Teams 2009

We have been blessed this year with several short-term medical teams as well as individual physicians that labored with us in Peru this year. Our ministry in the community is often advanced through the efforts of individuals and teams of healthcare professionals who serve with us. The following teams and/or individuals have served in the Consultorio Médico Pastoral and carried out mobile medical campaigns around Trujillo and other cities in Northern Peru.

February 16-20 Independent Presbyterian Church
For five days, a team of 28 including five physicians, three nurses and various support staff, conducted mobile medical campaigns in various neighborhoods in Trujillo.

February 23-27 Dr. Ronald Morton
Louisville, KY

Dr. Morton, pediatric pulmonologist,
worked in our clinic as well as conducted medical campaigns outside the clinic. Additionally, he made rounds in the local hospital and gave a lecture on Asthma

April 9-May 9 Dr. Dale Hansen
Memphis, TN

Dr. Hansen is a recent medical school graduate that came to Peru and worked in our clinic for a month. Dr. Hansen is a member of Independent Presbyterian in Memphis, TN.

April 25–May 1 Dr. and Mrs. Marcus Uletshey
Tupelo, MS

Dr. Uletshey and his wife Whitney visited Trujillo and saw patients in the clinic as well as conducted medical campaigns in several of our neighborhoods and at a local orphanage. Whitney is a physical therapist and was also able to treat many patients while serving in Trujillo.

April 27-May 29 Dr. David O’Byrne
Wellington, New Zealand
Dr. O’Byrne is an emergency medicine physician. During a year of traveling through Central and South America and working with local facilities, he was able to spend a month working in our Wichanzao Clinic. Additionally he helped out with several mobile campaigns including a visit to the orphanage as seen in this picture.

June 5-14 Calvary Presbyterian Church
Newport News, VA
Along with three University lecturers and a group that conducted a Vacation Bible School, a physician, Dr. David Davis, MD and a dentist, Dr. Bill Griffin, DDM, (with his wife Linda assisting) returned to Trujillo this year with Calvary Presbyterian Church. Drs. Davis and Griffin were able to conduct a medical campaign in Magdelena de Cao and also treat patients in the Wichanzao Clinic.

June 12-19 Trinity Presbyterian Church
Tuscaloosa, AL
We were thrilled to welcome for the first time to Trujillo a team of 30 people from Trinity Presbyterian Church! This team consisted of both a Medical Team and a Vacation Bible School team. The Medical Team included four physicians and a physical therapist that conducted medical campaigns in several of our neighborhoods here in Trujillo.

June 29-July 3 First Presbyterian Church
Jackson, MS
Since its inception, Peru Mission has had the privilege or partnering with FPC Jackson on Short Term Teams. This was the 10th year that a team has traveled to Cajamarca and conducted a medical/dental campaign. In addition to providing medical and dental care, the team conducted a VBS in several schools as well as sports camps in the afternoons at a local soccer stadium. Thank you for your longstanding work in Cajamarca, Peru!

July 17-24 Trinity Presbyterian Church
Norfolk, VA
A team of 26 eager participants came to Trujillo. Part of the team conducted English workshops for Peruvians wanting to improve their English skills. The Medical Team consisting of three pediatricians, a nurse, and a physical therapist held medical campaigns through several of our poorer neighborhoods. The medical campaigns also serve as an outreach to the community and one little girl has started attending church thanks to the medical campaign that was held in her neighborhood!

August 1-7
Dr. Parker Ellison and Jason Vassar
Jackson, MS
Dr. Ellison (pediatrician) and his two children (Lee and Claire) came to Trujillo for a week and worked in the medical clinic and at several mobile campaigns. Additionally, Jason Vassar, a dental student at the University of Mississippi Dental School, was able to come and work with our dentist in the clinic and at the mobile medical campaigns.

And to come...

September 11-19
Independent Presbyterian Church
Savannah, GA
A group of three, including a pharmacist, cardiopulmonology specialist, and an assistant will be in Trujillo working in our clinic and also conducting some mobile medical campaigns.