It is getting warmer in Wichanzao, and our doors will be open for the patients to enjoy the garden while they wait.
June 2009:
August 2009:
November 2009:
We are excited to announce we will begin attending patients on Saturday mornings in the areas of Dentistry and Obstetrics as well as extending hours in the Pharmacy. This will be much more accomodating to many of our patients who are normally unable to to because of work on weekday mornings. We hope to extend these same hours to Medicine soon.
Also we have had several changes in personnel in recent months, including our head nurse Diana Barreto accepting a new position to work for a year in Sanagorán a community in the Sierra where childhood malnutrition and anemia is rampant. We are excited that she has been offered this opportunity as childhood development and nutrition is her passion. Please pray that the Lord would give us wisdom as we are now seeking a Christian nurse to continue Diana's work here. Also Lora Karraker (and her husband Eric) recently returned to the States, and we were sad for their time here to end but are excited for them to begin a new chapter in their lives! We miss them all very much, and are greatly indebted to them for their faithful work and countless contributions to the development of the clinic.
We also are very excited to welcome new additions to the Clinic staff:
We are a not-for-profit Christian parochial organization, offering holistic health services, committed to addressing physical, mental, and spiritual needs particularly of marginalized urban populations, providing quality and timely services which will contribute to improving people’s lives.
To be a trustworthy and efficient organization, recognized by the general population for its practice of moral and Christian principles, positioned to demonstrate love and mercy in the areas of physical, mental, and spiritual health, and guaranteeing the quality of its offered services.